My Navy / Exercise filled weekend!

In the navy
Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy
Yes, you can put your mind at ease
In the navy
Come on now, people, make a stand ... Yada, Yada, Yada....

Sometimes, I hate drill weekends. They come so fast, you get up so early after 5 days of continued working, work the weekend, and go back to work on Monday. No break, no relaxing weekend. Just go, go, and more go.

Saturday, we had our Change of Command ceremony. This is when the Commanding Officer is getting relieved by an oncoming CO. They just "change the command". This usually happens every 2 years. Those guys/gals move around a LOT. Well, lucky for me the outgoing CO asked me to help out by getting flowers, cake and setting it all up, so I didn't have to stand at attention for an hour. Even better...

My drill is held at Donaldson Center (an old Air-Force base) and it's known for cyclist and runners using it for training. One loop around Donaldson is about 7.1 miles. There's still a lot of businesses around it, but other than that traffic, it's a great place to run or cycle - if you don't mind some deceiving hills.

I run the loop every drill weekend, and Saturday was the first time I had company. My co-worker/friend, Jason and I ran the loop. It was the first time we've ran together other than being in the same race. My husband started off with us, but within minutes he was out of our site. He sucks. That's okay. We held a nice consistent pace and it was a beautiful day for a great run. I told Jason that I didn't talk much on runs, but probaly talked too much for half of our run. It was a pleasant run and I'm sure we'll do it again soon.

Sunday after drill, my relaxing way to unwind was to do the loop again, but this time - on my bicycle. Jason joined me again for the ride. After a challenging time trying to figure out why Jason's tire wouldn't hold air, we fixed it with a new tube and we were off. My husband did 4 loops of Donaldson while we did 1. That's sad. Actually, he started off earlier than us too. But, we had a great ride. I'm still getting comfortable on my bike, and as each time I ride passes, my comfort level gets better. I really enjoy it, and next time I'm doing 2 or 3.

Thanks Jason, for the company on the run and ride!

So, saturday was running, sunday was biking, and monday.... well....

What's next?

Swimming! This was sad. The first time I have been in a pool to swim laps. I did 12 laps, stopping regularly. Another sport I plan on improving on in the next few months. I find it relaxing, and nice to give my joints a break.

I'm so exhausted right now, as we're vegging out on the couch as a family, about to watch 24 and Jack Bauer!


David said...

Fortunately, the time change carved an additional hour out of our already reduced sleep time. Grrrr.

Yep, it was a fun weekend filled with sweat and lycra. Mendy also neglected to tell you about the ride-by heiney grabs she tends to get when I'm riding on Donaldson Ctr with her. Or anywhere, for that matter. ;)

Jason The Running Man said...

LMAO at the above comment! Your so cheeky David!

Anyway, we will do it again soon, it was a blast, well excelt for that hill at the end and some person trying to get me to sprint!!!:)