
It's been quite a while since I've done a run with hill repeats. I was doing them before my Half plan started, but, since Myrtle Beach is flat (the Half), I decided not to worry about hill repeat workouts. 2 words - IT SHOWS. But, it's okay.

Yesterday I was talked into attending a spinning class by my friend, Robin. I'm such a noobie at this spinning thing, so forgive me for being "late" with it. I was looking forward to it all day. My body isn't used to the saddle, so I suffered some pains in that area throughout the class, but thoroughly enjoyed it otherwise. The music pumping you up is extra cool and she was turning it up loud too! I will be doing one at least 1 class, if not 2 each week. FUN!

After class, I stopped by my wellness coach's office to get my plan she put together for me. I'm excited to see what she has come up with. Unfortunately, she was with another client. So, I'll have to get it monday. I told her the other day, my #1 goal is weight-loss with adding some fun workouts in the mix, and of course keep a good base of mileage each week.

So, after spinning last night, I still wanted to get another run in this week, and decided to do 3 miles of hill repeats this afternoon. Wow. It wasn't fun, but, sometimes pain never is. :-) My pace wasn't where I wanted it to be, but that's something I've got to stop watching - for the time being. My goal has shifted and now I need for my mind to understand that.

So, this evening has been challenging walking around and sitting down. All kinds of regions are sore now, muscles I didn't know existed... I'll be better tomorrow and will probaly do my long run on Sunday, so that I can be in tip-top (is that a word) shape.

I ended up loosing 3.8 lbs from yesterday til this AM. Yippeee..... Only "too many to count" lbs to go. That started my day off right!


Neese said...

Ohhh the hill repeats sound great, that's something I thought of trying recently because of that mega hill at FU that gets me every race.

Congrats on the 3.8lb weight loss that's fantastic!! Certainly what you needed to give that extra boost! Have a great weekend! :)

jeanne said...

spinning AND hill repeats?! the pounds will be pouring off you! Nice work!