Hi Ya'll!
Let me get the complaints out of the way. AT&T interenet service is sucking bad at our house and has been going down for about a month, but here lately, it's all the freakin' time. We had someone come out and “fix” it. Well, it’s not fixed, jackhole. I'm gonna call tonight and give them a early holiday gift. I was reading blogs last night, and trying to update my own blog and boom - Out - Zipp. Both David and I (at opposite ends of the house) were trying to fix it. For those of you in our area, what do you use? I'm ready to switch.
* I was going to run last night a 4 miler and was looking forward to it. But, while at work yesterday morning, I started feeling a bit under the weather. Headache, back aching, very tired, just not good. So, I left work early to rest. And, before any of you ask - No, I'm not pregnant. That already came up on facebook. So, I'm going to try 4 miles tonight and see how I do. I did run Monday night around 9ish. Right after supper, I told David on the way home - "It's a nice night to go for a run". He basically dared me, so I laced up when I got home. Only 3 miles, and with the exception of a side stitch, I felt fine. I'm VERY slow these days, trying to ease back into it. But, my last mile (as always) was my fastest and by almost a minute. David calls me a "sandbagger".
* I NEED to get back in the pool soon. nuff said.
* I was going to ride my bike during lunch on Tuesday. I had everything I needed, plus my tri partner, Denine was going to ride with me. The weather was going to be nice.... Ahhh.... getting back on the bike sounded oh - so - good. Until... Bam - got to work and I have a vendor lunch meeting. Nice. Plus, friend called me at 7 something and said "I think it's going to rain today". Oh well, bike ride canceled. I would LOVE to get to ride this weekend.
* We went to our good friend's house Sat night for a cocktail party. Fun times! Daivd got to wear his "Cocktail pants" he bought back in the summer on our trip to Iron Girl. Some of you bloggers might remember these... I just had to post this picture, cause it shows his personality perfectly.
Love their lamp! It's a hit.
* Little Grace started dancing 2 wks ago. She LOVES it. This was ALL HER idea. I say this because I took dancing my entire childhood. It's something I didn't want to get her into unless she wanted it. Daycare takes the girls to dance on Wednesday mornings. She got started later than the other girls. We didn't know she wanted to until day after day for about 2 wks - she came home "I want to go dancing". So, we got her in the class. She's having a blast, and loves wearing her dance clothes around the house ALL the time. BTW, Grace is NOT graceful, so the recital will be interesting!
* David did a 5K one week after his Marathon and did really well. Especially, for someone who couldn't walk straight until like Wednesday. Congrats!
* Thanks for all the sweet comments and advice on the mole situation. I've decided not to worry about it. I could use that money on a couple of needed Dr's appointments. I just need to make the calls today.
* We've made some decisions about the house situation and selling. I'll let you know that shortly.
* This weekend is already becomine busy for us. We've got:
- party friday night to swing by
- packing and taking stuff to storage (as always)
- visit a development we're interested in, but realistically probably can't afford.
- finish Christmas shopping - nope - not done yet.
- get a package shipped off to England. Yes, I know it won't make it there before xmas.
I'm SOOOOO ready for the weekend to be here. Not feeling very motivated at work right now. Don't get me wrong, I've got a ton on my plate and glad to have a job especially with our current economy. This week has just dragged on.....
Check out our hippie! Her hair looked so cute the other night. Parted down the middle and just hanging. She did look like a hippie.
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
ROFLMAO! Nice cocktail pants. I remember them from your previous post. I can't believe he wore them to a par-tay HAHAHAHAHHAAAAA
Sounds like you guys have been really busy. I just can't wait until the holidays are over already. GAH! I'm such a Scrooge :-(
Those pants are...well...
Nothing wrong with being a hippy. I'd do it if I could get my hair to pull it off. ;-)
LMAO at David's pic, David, it takes STONES to wear those! Way to go Big Boy!!
Of course Sweetpea is as gorgeous as ever!!!
Merry Christmas Mendy, wishing you and your delightful family all the very best!!!
Boy that is a great update! You guys are busy but that is not a bad thing I guess. Looking forward to hearing the house news.
Glad you are back to running some and way to show David that you were going to do it.
Good news on the run. I am off to ride my bike in a few minute! I'll be burning rubber on my hybrid!! Woo hoo!
Thanks for the x-mas card! Grace is such a sweetie!! and David gets me all HAWT and bothered when he wears those pants. I'm SO glad he doesn't pull them out but once or twice a year!
David must have the olives to pull off those pants. i wouldn't want to try.
Here we have Charter cable modem and at&t dsl and that's all the high speed options we got. i went charter. i also bundled with charter phone service, and voip is sooo the way to go if you have a landline phone. vonage might be better phone than charter, but we only pay $40 a month with unlimited everything phones.
We're in taylors and rarely have internet interruptions. maybe 3 or 4 times a year. We do have some cable tv problems with the higher channels, but that's it.
and i would love to go on a bike ride sunday afternoon if you want to wait that long. call me 268-5594 if you want, and we can arrange the details. I just might slow you down.
That is such a cute pic of Grace! love the hippie look.
Glad you're back and at 'em. Thanks for the great story.
It was just a harmless Facebook comment/observation... more like a wish... LOL!
what in the heck is going on with David's pants? And his expression is like he was forced into them against his will but then was plied with alcohol so he was resigned.
Great update! Im with you on being less than motivated this week. I love my job too but us teachers and all the kids are just ready for Santa!!
Im ready to go for a bike ride too! Boy do I miss my bike and Im sick of the trainer already. Boo...its going to be a long winter!!!
Those cocktail pants are a scream :-}
Nice Pants!!
Wow, and talk about catching up in a big way! :-) "I'm back baby" (a-la George on Seinfeld)
I know the feeling of NEEDING in a big way to get back in the pool but the race season seems so far away and I am actually starting to, dare I say it, enjoy running!
You guys should move to our hood. Lots of hills, lots of triathletes and close to everything! :-)
FREEBIRD! Oh wait, that's totally inappropriate. My bad...
The pants rock! I am the pants, and they are me. So there.
Oh.My.Gosh. the pants!
Nice last mile!! Good luck out there! (and with your connection...)
Those pants are awesome, love it! Your little girl is absolutely adorable as well.
wow what bet did he lose to you to wear those pants ... lol
Love the Hippie pic :-) Enjoy ur Holiday Parties.
Love the holiday theme, and I feel you on the tech frustration! I'm trying to get new cable and internet hooked up, and had an appointment from 10 AM to 1 PM today. I gave them till 1:30 till I called... at which point I was told they had accidentally put it in the schedule for tomorrow. The good news was that they could give me an appointment today from 2-5. So I continued sitting in my apartment until 4:40, when I called and was told to wait another 20 minutes. I did, and called back at 5:01... only to discover that they hadn't actually scheduled the 2-5 window! After I took a sharp tone with the supervisor, he's sending someone now... but I'm still so mad I wasted my whole day sitting in the apartment!
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