Ya'll, It seems we are so far behind in everything this year, including the Christmas spirit. We finally decorated the tree. Well, I use "we" loosely as Grace has to do everything by herself. I did wrap some gifts with the other kids decorated. It looks nice!
(doesn't everyone decorate their tree in their princess dress, with crown and magic wand?)
This is how Grace puts her ornaments on. -- All together on the same limb. Too cute.
Why has Christmas become so stinkin' stressful? I am going to try to not give in to it. I am no where near done shopping, not even close to done with my wrapping. We JUST got the tree decorated, and received the Christmas cards in the mail today. So, they are not even ready to go out yet. Oh well.
Like Jess, after getting home today, the rain was gone. It rained all freakin' day here. So, as I was pulling in to get Grace I thought for a second about going for a short run, then I see David running down the road. It was beautiful. Not like the sky was pretty or anything, but the after rain crisp was in the air and it was still wet, and getting dark - really, my favorite running scene. I decided against it, because we've put off decorating the tree for a few nights now.
I wasn't a complete waste today. I did get over the gym at lunch and hopped on the elliptical.
We are trying to eat more at home. We seem to eat out all the time, and unfortunately for me - it's put the weight on, which I'm quite embarrassed about. Until I get more comfortable, you won't be seeing any pictures of me. Anyhoo, we had chicken last night with veggies, and chicken tonight but with couscous. Now, I've had it one other time at a friends house, and really enjoyed it then. Tonight, we had the sundried tomato stuff. Yummy.... I've been living a bubble, I suppose.
I did have a Dr. appt yesterday, that I canceled. I was going to go for something, and at the same time get a referral to see someone about x-rays (for my shin). My original reason for going was to have my mole on my face (left cheek) removed. I rescheduled the appt to today, then canceled. I've been debating back and forth. See, I have about 100$ left in my FSA account (that would cover the mole removal) that I have to use or loose. I do have a few Dr's appts I could try to schedule between now and end of year, or I can just have my mole removed and make the appts in early Jan. I don't like it - never really have and of course, as I get older - I am more critical of everything. I don't know what to do. David seems to not care one way or another.
Here's a crappy up close picture to show you guys. It's winter, so that means my nose is breaking out again.... so disregard that crap. What do you guys think?
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
What do I think? I think you're pretty hot, especially in the Santa's elf hat.
If it bothers you, yank that puppy off!
Ahhh girl I think you are gorgeous either way. I agree with David though about what makes YOU happy!!
We have several branches that look just like that ! LOL
Getting your mole removed is soooooo 2008. Just ask Sarah Jessica Parker.
In seriousness, if you stress about it at all, just get it removed. One less stress in life is always good.
If it really bothers you, removal is a quick process, but I don't think it looks bad, or even very obvious at all!
I have two giant moles right above my top lip, and have had them all my life, and I can distinctly remember a scene from when I was about five. I was coloring at my grandma's kitchen table; she was smoking a Virginia Slims and watching her "shows" and she looked at me and said, "Anytime you want those moles revoed just come see me, I'll take ya to the doctor, and he'll slice 'em right off."
Up to that moment, I'd never thought they were considered anything unfavorable. Now, I rather like them. They're like a Jess-trademark.
Either way you're fine. DW is starting to get moles. Her grandmother and aunt all had serious moles. So we have to consider that if she gets them removed she might be getting them done on a regular basis.
If it makes you feel better, my Christmas tree has been up for almost 1 week and a half. Nothing on it at all.
Like everyone says - it all comes down to what you want to do, but I've got my opinion...people have loved you (someone even married you!) all your life with total disregard to the mole on your face. I can honestly say I've never even noticed it. You won't be doing it for any of us because none of us will love you any more or less. The people who love you already see you as beautiful...and that has nothing at all to do with what you look like. Now if you could just get that husband surgically removed - that would be money well spent ;-)
1st - I love how Grace decorates the tree! When my kids were little, we let them decorate the tree (actually, I still let them decorate the tree) and we had no ornaments at the top at all. I just left it like that. :-)
I had a mole removed from my waist several years ago b/c it stuck out and was bothered by shirt seams and stuff. It was a quick process, but it hurt for several days afterwards.
As for your mole on your face. Do it in 2008 if you'd appreciate it as a Christmas present to yourself.
But if you never did it...I don't think that anyone who matters in your life is going to care one way or another. :-)
OMG that mole is aweful...
of course I am so kidding!! I think David would rather have u get a sexy elf outfit with your hat instead :-)
Love the tree decorating skills of mini me, that is great...and very wise as to not cover up the natural beauty of the x-mas tree, see how kids are so much smarter then us.
Happy Holidays and yupper I am WAY behind also on shopping & cards etc...
I think you should do what makes you happy. Decorating the tree, shopping and getting cards out are not as important as enjoying time with family.
My decision would be "I have to have a reason" :-) If not, then I wouldn't bother.
Luv the pics. Grace looks so cute.
I always decorate the tree in my princess costume...
...I just make sure there are no camaras around.
That's so funny! my 3 yr old also decorates the tree by putting several ornaments on one branch. Then the baby pulls them all down and steps on them. Neither one will wear a princess dress though.
and we also had chicken with cous-cous last night.
Don't sweat the mole, my wife just had one removed from her chest because it bothered her. it bothered me too, but it was her call.
Whatever makes you happy. when we have something we totally focus on it. I dont think others notice things we see...Anywhoo, glad to get an update from ya girlie. No i can see you more often on FB.
Grace is growing up right in front of my eyes. Too precious! I love the way she did her ornaments!
I'm with Vivolicious, whatever makes you happy....
as for decorating the tree,
"doesn't everyone decorate their tree in their princess dress, with crown and magic wand?" Yes, yes, I do!!!
You look great girl and its good to have you back!
As far as the Christmas tree....I am just getting to mine tonight!
If that mole drives you nuts have it removed...I a few too that should probably come off :=)
Grace is a cutesy girl!! Have a great week!
You know, I NEVER even noticed you had one! Ooohhh Mendy you look awesome either way! But, ITA if you want to get it removed. I have like 572947285627895627894689 of them all over my face. Like someone took a black magic marker and dotted the hell outta of it LOL. Connect the dots la, la, la ,la. I could do without some of mine as well LOL. Whatever makes you happy :-)
Awwwhhhhh Grace is soooo cute! I love the princess outfit hehe.
Sorry! I meant "ITU"- I totally understand
I'm quite certain it was that side of you I sat alongside when we were at Furman for the play and I never noticed it. But it's important how you feel and certainly if it's bugging you than pop that sucka right off (but talk to the derm. first the scar left may be worse than the mole)
I think you look just fine!! Just do whatever makes YOU feel good....but know that you look great :)
Personally, I think it's just fine. I have one in the Cindy Crawford/Marilyn Monroe spot that Josie keeps calling a "boo boo" and trying to pick off. Youch!
Do what you gotta do for you though, girl.
Love ya!
The leg lamp is awesome.
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