Monday, I skipped my normal routine of swimming at lunch to work. I had plans to meet up with a co-worker (I rode my bike with on sat) to ride, then run. She showed up at the house to get me at 6:45, and us, and a close friend of hers were off to Donaldson Center to ride. We were half way there, and here come the raindrops and extremely dark in the direction we were going. Our ride quickly turned into non-existent, and in the small 3 miles back to my house, us 3 girls had already decided to go to the Mexican restaurant for some cerveza. I got home and David, Grace & I were off to meet them. I was, very much looking forward to our ride. I need to be riding my bike more, and adding in some running afterwards to prepare for the dead leg feeling I will see in my Triathlon next month. So, guess I will venture out on my own this week for a ride.
So, - NO exercise. Afterall, Hal did call for a rest day on monday - so I don't feel that bad. Yesterday, with the help of my alarm setup in the bathroom, I got up for an easy run. It went okay. I can tell that I've lost some speed in the last couple of weeks, but, it will pick back up soon. I had a decent run. I'm really trying to just get back to feeling good running again - you know - that mental is 90% thing they say. Afterall, my Mary is about finishing it, feeling good. BTW, my shoes are doing well so far! Yippee...
3 miles
Then, David & I met at the pool for a lunchtime swim. No great records broken there, but am working on endurance and getting better at not stopping so much. I did move up to 250yds, before taking a short 30sec break - first time.
500yds - 14:01 - not bad.
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
Sucks you missed your ride; I know how much you were looking forward to it. But the Mexican food and BPDs sure hit the spot.
You'll find your running zen soon!
I'm really fortunate that I have yet to miss a ride due to weather, knock on wood! Glad the shoes are workin out!!
Ooooooooooo totally a good day on Monday. How can you beat having a couple beers? hehe Nothing wrong with a rest day ;D
Your shoes look so tiny!!! Maybe I just have big feet :-X Sounds like it was a GOOD run!! You'll be back to your old running self before you know it ;-)
I am so happy to hear that things are picking up for you! Bummer about missing a ride...we don't even have weather here that stops us. An occasional spit from the sky and that is it.
500 yards in 14.01...I am quite sure I would die. Or really what would happen is I would start coughing then water would go up my nose from coughing and then would just drown. *SIGH* You are doing awesome with the swimming!!
you know i think this whole running family needs to just go to an island for about a week and kick back, relax, run if we want to and NOT if we want to and just BE, no work, no time schedule, alarms, etc. ahhh..
I'm with Neese. Take some video cameras: Runners Gone Wild!
The mental part is more like 99.9% in my opinion.
I also agree with Neese. I'll supply the beer!
Mmmm... Mexican food. Sounds much better than a workout to me! :)
Too bad about the bike ride. At least you got a swim and a run in. Can't do much about the weather. I'm doing most of my riding on a trainer because of the heat this time of year. It's the only way I have figured to get enough riding time in.
IF there is a vacation with runners gone wild and Marcy is invited...I ain't comin ;) J/K!!!
Sounds like your back on the saddle!
This summer weather is making me crazy! I know you share in my feelings..LOL!
Great seeing you at the Y.
BTW - how many shoes do you own? I don't remember seeing those before.
How was the Tri clinic????
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