Wow, yesterday was a busy workout day (for me). After doing a feel good speed session at lunch that resulted in total 3 miles, I went for swimming lessons last night, not knowing what I had in store for me. She worked us on drills the entire hr. Now, up until last night, the most distance I'd swam in a session was 600 yds, and the most time I took in swimming total was about 25 min.
We did so many drills, it seems I can't remember them all. The first 100 was warmup (Yep, pool still 79 degrees - but it's fixed and temp is rising). The next 200 was focused on keeping our ear and chin tucked into the arm. So we swam 3 strokes then for 10 counts, held arm straight out, while kicking on the side, then all over again for 2 laps. This is basically what Wes was talking about in my blog post below. Then we did more kicking drills for 200. For the next 300 yds, we swam on our back, arms stretched out over our head, and focused on kicking (for 1st 25). On the return 25, I had to breathe every 4th stroke. This was exhausting, cause we weren't stopping at all. The next 100 was fingertipping the water, (I guess that's what it's called). This actually helps you with bringing your arms out of the water at an angle upwards, then reaching as far as you can, and placing them back in the water right in front. I liked this drill. After that, it's a fog what we did... I started getting REALLY tired.
Total distance we did was 1050 yards, double what I normally do.
I won't do track work next Thursday, for sure before swim lessons. Towards the end of the hr, fatigue hit me hard. I had barely enough energy to go under water any and my kicking really decreased. I was so spent, that I went to get Grace - we headed home and about 30 min after David got back from tri clinic, I went to bed.
Wes, thanks for the swimming advice - I'm taking it all in and am enjoying getting advice from hubby, you, swim coaches, lifeguards, etc. It's all going to help me become better, so definitely open to it. Keep it coming, please!
Today's lunch was a recovery run of 3 miles.
This was the 5th day in a row, I've worked out at lunch and it has been such an awesome feeling, plus I've saved money and I'm not taking in as much calories for my lunch, as I would if I were eating out. It was a great run, that I thoroughly enjoyed, even regardless of the 84 temp. It felt HOT out there, but such a short run, It didn't matter. Pace was 9:39.
Overall, great week for fitness and I did good on eating healthy. My weigh-in date is in just a few days!!! Hopefully, there's a loss. Tomorrow, is David's Clemson tri and we are excited about it. We're leaving EARLY in the morning to get there. Hopefully, little munchkin will sleep more on the way. Tomorrow, is a rest day for myself! I need it, then it's a long run Sunday morning before Church.
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
Isn't it amazing how many meters you can get in during a clinic? Pushing yourself beyond what you even knew you could do. GREAT JOB!!! Keep it up. See you and David at the Tri.
Great job with the workouts! Nothing will improve your swimming more than doing drills.
Good luck for David in the race.
Awesome job!!!! Wow! Double the amount you normally do, huh? Man, I'd be TIRED too! Good for you!!! ;D ;D
Totally hoping for a loss on your weigh in! Make sure you empty those bowels before you go :P (up to 2 pounds right there LOL) Man, I remember all those little tricks with the scale, from when I had all that post pregnancy weight to lose.
Good luck to David!!!
Marcy, my wife is a phenomenon and doesn't ever drop a deuce. Just can't think of that being the case, so it doesn't happen. :-)
I'm taking that swim class next month, for sure. Sounds like some awesome training.
Wow, I need to start reading your blog for motivation! :)
I am in Chicago now for a week of work and I have decided to "kick off" my Chicago training here in Chicago. Of course this probably just means an unceremonious several mile run through Chicago. To really get into the spirit, I have been totally slacking after my half a 2 weeks ago so it will mean even more!
Keep it up!
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