Please! When I bought my bike, I thought it was pricey - well, for me it was. I didn't plan on riding it that much, so the cheap route I went. However, I didn't think it was cheap. It still costs way more than I wanted to spend. But, I still got a good bike, a felt, and a red one at that. I like it, and have made some minor changes to it, thanks to my hubby. He put a different crank set on it, (I think that's what it's called). So, I have 2 rings instead of 3. Whateva, still don't know what this means. At least, now I know what I'm doing when I switch gears. He changed the pedals to clipless which meant I had to buy shoes, and cleats. Blah! I (well, David) also spiced it up by replacing the black bar tape with some sweet purty red tape! It's smoking!
Not really. But, I now want to upgrade the thing. So, he's telling me my tires are heavy which makes me slower on the bike. That's what my excuse is as to why I'm soooo slow. ;-) Also, BTW my body is heavy which makes me slower (Which I am working on, folks). So, it's time for upgrades!!! woo hoo. Who knew this freakin' sport could be so expensive. I just bought tri bars. I need new goggles, new cleats, cleat covers, and now a wetsuit for Clemson tri. Man.... There goes my money for clothes for work. Who needs to look good at work anyhow?
Today at lunch, I did my 2nd of 3rd swim workout this week. I finished it. I had a rough time breathing during this session. I just couldn't get it together. From this week on, it's 3 swim workouts of at least 1000yds each visit. Next week, I will start doing drills. I know that there is something within my form that is keeping me from speeding up, so I gotta work on it.
1000 yds - 25:33
Time to turn in for the night, after I read a few more blogs. Have a g'night!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
Oh, I can't wait to see your pimped out ride!!! You are going to be smoking at your next tri!!!
Have fun pimping your ride!
and the swim drills should help a lot, at least they helped me alot. i think swimming is more about form than strength...
Sounds like fun, although I have no clue what you are talking about!!! (and I don't have a David, so it will likely be awhile on any outdoor tris!) Good luck with it, though.
Let me know how those goggles work out on the bike ;-) I resist upgrading my stuff for the same reasons as you. I'm not sure if throwing money (and carbon) at my bike is going to really make me faster! But it DOES make you look purty :-D and that's what counts for the every(wo)man triathlete!!
LOL @ pimping your ride. I know what you mean I look at clothes that I can finally fit in, and think about buying it..Than I think man I could use a new bike saddle. It is crazy how the moeny goes in this sport. Just when you think you have everything, there is something else :-O
Take pics of the pimped out ride.
Nice job on the swims!
You know what would be an accessory that would really make you fast? A motor.
Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my blog!!
New bike?.... who needs work clothes anyway?? LOL!
I have a ton more workout clothes than I do work clothes. Isn't that normal?!!!
Great focus on getting your swims in and knowing what needs to be done.
Keep going Mendy!!
I am right there with ya sista'! I want a new bike so bad I can taste it! I too have a little Felt that has a couple of upgrades...but boy would I like a Mr. Velo (Cervelo) or Felt B12! Oh well, this one will have to do for now. They (everybody) keeps telling me "it's not the machine but the motor that makes the difference." Actually, I think David told me that! Any-hoo, great swim! Keep it up!
Heavy tires make good training! Glad to hear that the run advice is helping.
LMAO at Jess! I bet the B*tchcruiser would do wonders for ya! :P Only playing!
Amen to lookin good at work. My Mom attire consists of 1)sweatpants 2) a t-shirt (bra not required) 3) socks. Dang I save so much money on clothes it's ridiculous :P
Pimp your wheels, isn't always the way, you get it spruced up and then you want new!!!
I'm at the stage right undies or new Saucony's.....mmmm let's think about this...hahahaha
Marcy, hope you got those socks on your feet!! hahahaha
I don't even want to admit how much the hubby paid for his bike and he is still constantly finding things to "update" on that thing! He says its all worth it though, as I'm sure it will be with your "ride." I think Jess may be on to some with that motor idea . . .
I feel the same way about my was expensive (to me) but so cheap in the tri world. Oy oy!!
AND I asked for mostly tri "gear" for my bday and I just realized I have no new spring clothes. LOL Oh well, I don't really need clothes anyway, right?
AND thanks for the bday wish!! :>D
Werd, we fitten to put some dub-deuces up on yo ride. Get it all crunk'd up. Fo shizzle!
No bicycle can't be improved witout a suitable application of carbon fiber and titanium! Let's get this party started!!!!
(can you tell I'm excited Mendy's getting into this stuff?) :-)
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