What a weekend...
Thursday night, David and Grace decorated the Christmas Tree, and I did some gift wrapping, which I secretly enjoy doing. I probably wrapped 15 gifts. Here's a couple of snapshots...
Friday - Run 1.8
(6 mile run cont.)
I did 4.2 at lunch Friday and then finished off the 6 mile run Friday evening with a final 1.8 miles. It was around 6:30 and dark. Digits are 10:08, and 9:32 with a overall pace of 9:52 pace.
This weekend has been non-stop with very little time at home. Enough, to go to sleep. Friday night, after my run - we went to eat and tried to find me some running tights that aren't $80-$100. I have 3 pair, and it's just not enough. I don't do laundry that often. I plan on going to Target and get some more knickers. I really like them, as 2 of my pairs are those.
I had drill weekend and both days after it was over, headed over to our friends, Chris and Jennifer's gorgeous new home to help them unload/unpack. So, neither one of us spent hardly any time at home. It was a busy, tiring weekend and to top it all off, I started feeling like crap Thursday afternoon and it has escalated into full-blown congestion, ear hurts and the back of my head (same side with hurting ear), as of yesterday. So, I do not feel like being at work today, but I have a lot that needs to be done. This is my last week at work this year. Next week is a class, and the week after is vacation/Christmas, and I have house projects to do. Here's a picture of Grace, Tyler and Jacob playing. Ty and Jacob are our friend's boys. Sunday - Run 8 miles (pace ??)
Despite feeling like poo - I did complete my 8 on the 8th (well, 9th). I headed out the door of the reserve center around 8:45. It was gorgeous outside, so much so - I wore a short sleeve shirt. This was a horrible run for me. I ran around Donaldson Center and the hills killed me. There are several long and/or big hills. I was so winded. For a while, I ran that loop (7.2 around) often, but haven't since around August, so my legs just weren't used to the hills. It showed. However, I can't give you guys my pace. I stepped out the door, turned on Garmin, and he said "0 hours left". What???? I charged it last night (all night). So, I suppose I didn't click that power cord into Mr. Garmin too well. I do know for a fact that I did run 8 miles, because the loop is 7.2 and I added .8 on (and drove to verify it afterwards). If I had to guess, I would say I was out there about 1:30ish, give or take a minute or 2. It was a BAD run.
I haven't been online much at all lately and will catch up today! Need to get some work done. Hope you all had a great weekend, and a great Virtual race! Can't wait to read those reports! Thanks to Nancy for putting this together!!!
Beat the Heat 5K Race Report
10 years ago
Any idea at all on the time of return or approximate pace??? I'm just putting the results together now. I'd love to put you in somewhere with an approximate time.
Great job doing this. I think a lot of people are saying they wouldn't have done this run or this distance had it not been for the race so I think that is a win. Great job getting out there. The tough ones make you tougher :D
email me if you have a guess at the time
I just don't know. Can you run 8 miles and REALLY call it bad? Inquiring minds wanna know?
Well, you got it done and that's what matters. Fellow racers don't mind if you don't have an "official" time.
You guys are so busy! I am always so amazed how you are able to fit in all the running/training you both do, too. Great job on the 8.
It was a good, but full weekend. Too bad there's nowhere in my training log to list carrying heavy-ass furniture!
And those hills will make you strong for less hilly courses. Look how well Michelle does after all her stroller runs with half of her neighborhood being pushed!
Busy weekend... good thing you could go back to work to get some rest!
I too secretly enjoy wrapping Christmas gifts.
I don't like wrapping but I like putting bows and fofala on top. LOL
Great job on your 8!! Great job on all of your running! You are really in a grove now!
Love the pictures!
Wes!!!!!! Come on now . . .I thought for sure you'd say "Who's the ugly Santa with the cute kid" :P LOL JK!!! You all look fabulous!
Target has awesome running tights. I got the c9 ones awhile back for maybe $20-25?!? I love them more than my Nike ones and they cost half as much.
Great job getting out there and getting it done Mendy!! WHOOOO HOOOOO!! ;D ;D
ahhhhh love the pics and wow wrapped 15 presents !! I know where I am going Christmas morning-lol
Good job on ur 8 on the 8th after a BUSY few days and feeling like POO.
Happy Holidays!
Good job on your run! Glad you could join us!
Nice job on the 8 miles! Love the family pics!
Great pics...Grace so is the center of attention there it seems...
I have had trouble with Garmin too when I failed to make sure I got him all the way plugged in to recharge...good luck with it.
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting about my efforts in Honolulu...they are so greatly appreciate....
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